Archive for December, 2008

Brains and boredom…

Thursday, December 11th, 2008

So… this morning, Mose says to me, “Mom, my brain is getting too bigger. Thas why I’s so bored.”

Hey, wait! where did he learn about brains? Who told him? Along with porn, death, guns, nazis, and smurfs, I’ve been trying to keep him away from learning about brains.

In any case, I explained to him that boredom is actually a sign that you aren’t using your brain. Then I gave him a mound of sculpting clay, a physics text (at the suggestion of Mobius), a guitar, and a cookbook.  I figure he’ll find his form.

In a related story, Amanda French never gets bored.  Whenever she has a down moment she makes amazing things like this!

If you facebook, twitter, vox, myspace, gchat, or lurk in chatrooms and forums, etc, etc… you REALLY need to give her song, “All my internet friends” a listen.


What not to wear…

Tuesday, December 9th, 2008

Okay, so here I am again, staring deep into my closet, and sighing.

I am TERRIBLE at “appropriate clothing.”  Just ask my mom.

Tonight, I’m delighted to be signing books at the Atlanta Press Club Holiday Bash, but they sent me an email that I can choose between “business attire” or “holiday festive” and in my world, “business attire” is jeans and a hoodie, and “holiday festive” is jeans and a rhinestone choker.

If only LuxLotus were here.  She’d tell me what to do.

Above, the very first image that pops up if you do a google search for “holiday festive.”  Somehow I don’t think this is what the Press Club intended.

One of the best things about being a writer is that in a lot of situations, I get a pass on appropriateness.  But  that makes it hard on the rare occasions when I  DO have to avoid offending.


I have a closet full of worn out maternity clothes, and too-small vintage prom dresses. What would you do?

Kids are the BEST!!!

Saturday, December 6th, 2008

Kathy posted some picture of my visit to Rock Springs Elementary, and staring at this picture of our group hug, which happened after the kids performed  the world premier of “Up and Down the Scratchy Mountains” (the PLAY) made me remember just how AWESOME the visit was.

They really were the best group in the universe.  Their play was off the CHAIN!

Thanks again, Rock Springs!  THANKS, KATHY!

Stars in their eyes…

Thursday, December 4th, 2008

I don’t need to worry about the economy.  I’m breeding myself some moneymakers!  I fully intend  to mis-manage their careers, drive them to co-dependent relationships with loose women (or men if they prefer), and then write a juicy tell-all.


Here now, in  their world debut, The Snyder-Poma Family Band!

Untitled from Laurel Snyder on Vimeo.

There are people I despise…

Thursday, December 4th, 2008

It’s true. There are people I dislike for absolutely no good reason.

Not you, I mean.

But people.