Posts Tagged ‘Georgia Review’

How’d it get to be 2008???

Tuesday, January 8th, 2008

Happy New Year, everyone!!!

It’s been a wonderful winter season here.  I’m hard at work on my next book, Any Which Wall, though with a 2 year old and a 6 month old, I’m getting a lot less done than I’d like (and a lot of mashed bananas on my keyboard in the process).

One cool thing:  I just found out that Daphne & Jim got a write-up in the Georgia Review!  I’m so excited to see it, and a little bit nervous.

The other big news is that I joined a “marketing group” called the Class of 2k8.  This is a way for new authors to help each other promote, since typically debut books are a hard sell and don’t get a huge publicity push.  I volunteered to chair the group’s blog committee and I’m blogging over HERE for them.  So please please please come visit (and maybe link us up)?

Thanks so much!
