Tomorrow (Monday, January 12)…

Tomorrow is my birthday.  I will be thirty-five, and so divisible by seven.  That doesn’t happen as often as you’d think.  I’m pretty thrilled about it.

I don’t have any issues with getting older.   I am where I’d want to be, and if I could pick any life, I’d choose this one (well, I wish I could be living *this* life in Chattanooga or Asheville, maybe, but that‘s small potatoes, really).  Of course, I worry about health and mortality, and all of that mess, like everyone. But as for wrinkles and grey hairs, bring em on!  I just figure that going grey is an excuse to dye my hair crazy colors as I get older.  Though it’d be nice to keep my teeth. I’m fond of them.

Tomorrow is also my fifth wedding anniversary, because I was silly enough to get hitched on my birthday.  At the time, running around Vegas in glittery shoes and sunglasses, it seemed like a good idea. Of course, now I have  to share “my day” my my husband, which means I never get to bowl on my birthday (he doesn’t appreciate bowling alleys, but that’s the only thing wrong with him. Swear!).

To celebrate, we’re going out to eat steak.  We share a passionate belief that if you are going to drop a packet on a meal, you’d better have the steak.  Otherwise, you’ll leave the restaurant saying, “That was pretty good, but I wish I’d had the steak.”  This belief is what cements our love).

And if that isn’t enough for you (it really should be) tomorrow is also Arbor Day in Jordan, Remembrance Day (of some battle I don’t know anything about) in Turkmenistan (which I also know nothing about), Youth Day in India, and Zanzibar Revolution Day in Tanzania.  Here in the US, anyone not observing my birthday is probably busy celebrating either National Pharmacist Day or Stephen Foster Memorial Day.

Happy Pharmacist Day, everyone!!! I suggest you observe the holiday with a steak (or bowling).

6 Responses to “Tomorrow (Monday, January 12)…”

  1. Collin Says:

    Happy Birthday, Laurel! It was fab to see you and hear you read last night at Wordsmiths.

  2. Debra Says:

    Happy Birthday to YOU, Laurel! I’m going to choose bowling to honor your birthday; hope Wii bowling counts…I’m better at that than the real thing…but I do so enjoy the bowling alley, what with the cracking of pins in every direction, the smell of sweaty rental shoes mixed w/that spray that supposedly ‘de-funks’ them, the sound of 80′s rock from the jukebox, the feeling of all those smooth, round balls… Sorry, I’m waxing nostalgic; it’s been awhile…

    I just found you on Twitter…ran over to meet you on your blog and have been magically sucked in ever since. I love your style…love your ‘about’ story; the long and the short of it.

    Can’t wait to get your books for my nieces!! (My kids will think they’re too grown up for them…even though they’ll read them (and love them) with their cousins!)

    Hope your birthday is blessed with wishes come true beyond measure!
    Peace, Love and Harmony… Debra

  3. Marietta Says:

    HAPPY (early) BIRTHDAY! My birthday is today!!!! And I’m like you…I have no problem with getting older!

    Enjoy that steak!

    Enjoying your book, btw.


  4. Emma Says:

    I think that your birthday is divisible by 7 every 7 years. Or something like that.

    Tomorrow I will be celebrating your birthday, all day–no Steven Foster Memorial Day for this kid. My observance will include the eating of a ritual Taco Bell bean burrito for lunch and a ritual watching of both White Nights and Easter Parade in the evening. Well actually, I probably won’t really do either. But I’ll think of both, and you, all day long.

    I am very lucky to have been witness to the last 28 years of your existence. If you want to check, I’m pretty sure that 28 is divisible by 7 too!

  5. Lisa May Says:

    Happy Birthday! Enjoy your steak cake :)

    Lisa May

  6. Tamar Says:

    Happy Birthday! I miss you!

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