Oh, by the way…

I’m in Florida!!!

2 Responses to “Oh, by the way…”

  1. Venessa Ann Schwarz Says:

    Never in my life have I blogged anywhere, until now. I sit in my holey (not in the sanctimonious way … but literal “holes”), flower-print pajamas and send a message to you right after reading your book. Just because I want to and I can. Amazing! I absolutely love your writing style. I just put down, “Penny Dreadful” and your use of imagery is spectacular. How did you learn to write like that? And the story was lovely and sweet and I really appreciated the realness of it, all wrapped up in a voice of imagination and far away places.

    Looking forward to reading “Bigger Than A Breadbox.” Do you give any tips on writing? If so, it’d be great to read some advise to other writers, like me.

    By the way, I had to look up how to spell the word, “sanctimonious.” I see that there isn’t an instant spell check on blogging.

    Now I am an official blogger. Good day, good reading and good writing …

  2. laurel Says:


    Thanks so very very much for this sweet message. I DO have tips on writing, but it’s hard to think of what to say, generally. I’ve been writing a long log long time, and have taken a lot of workshops, but I do think the most important thing is just to READ a lot of different kinds of books, and to write a little every day. Good luck with all your writing, and be in touch! Best, laurel

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