Oh. Wow…

MiPOesias reviewed my poems last month, and… well… Cheryl Townsend is pretty much my new favorite person in the universe.  It’s so unbelievably exciting to know my poetry is being read and considered and appreciated by people like Cheryl.  Crazy. 

Really, I’m bowled over. She says:

Picture Alice in Wonderland, running from the Queen, going nowhere but where she’s just been. An exquisite ouroboros of mad surrender.

She says I make her skin prickle!!!

Poetry is hard for me these days.  I can justify sticking the kids with a sitter to write novels, because I have this glimmer of hope that prose may one day pay the bills, and at the very least the books pay enough to cover the sitter and taxes.  But though I BELIEVE in poetry, we just don’t have the $$$ for me to go sit in a coffee shop and write it at present.  Which is hard.

I miss poetry.  I have to work on it in bits and scrimps. I jot it on receipts and stick them in my glovebox.  I sit in the car, in the grocery store parking lot, and scribble when the kids fall asleep.  I wish I could go out there and do more readings, and spend time with other poets, and conference, and teach.  But I’m a mom on a shoestring.

Yes, I am.

And so a review like this makes me feel like poetry matters to someone besides me. Which reminds me how much poetry matters to me.

In a related tidbit, I’m actually my poems next week at the U*Space Gallery, here in ATL, with Megan Volpert and Karen Head.  Details are on the front page of the site.

Please come?

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