Dear house…

I’m leaving you tonight, after 6 years of joy and change.

My children were born in  you. My career as an author was begun in your kitchen. My marriage too.

You have never been quite the right house–always a little isolated, your street a little busy. But you have been, in the end, perfect.  The last 6 years have been the very happiest years of my life, and I can’t help being a little scared to leave you. Because I can’t know what the next house will be, or bring to me.

The only time I have lived so long under a single roof, I was a child.  I’m not a child now, but I feel like one tonight, as I sleep for the last time within your very happy walls.

Thank you, house.  I had no idea what you’d mean to me. No clue at all.

2 Responses to “Dear house…”

  1. Teresa Rolfe Kravtin Says:

    Bon Voyage to your next house and life adventure. I’m the same way about houses. Your post brought a misty tingle to my eyes. It is why I can never look at a home sale or purchase in the cold, harsh light of a business transaction. It is always so much more than that. Best wishes to you and your new home.

  2. Collin Says:

    Surely there’s a book in this about kid saying goodbye to his childhood home. Get on that, LS. :)

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