Hanukkah is coming!!!

When I was a kid, Hanukkah meant that:

1. I’d be peeling a lot of potatoes
2. I’d be forced to share the chocolate coins I won at dreidel
3. I’d have to sing a non-religious Xmas song at school
4. I’d  be getting a BOOK giftwrapped in last year’s Jewish calendar

Sigh… I’ll never forget the wonder of unwrapping my very own copy of Hasidic Tales of the Holocaust. Running my hand over the somber cover. Cracking the spine.  Reading.

Then…. shivering… in my bed… alone… all night… with a newfound fear of man’s capacity to do evil.

Okay, so maybe YOU don’t give your kids horrifying nonfiction at the holidays, but if you’re Jewish you probably DO give your kids a book at some point in December.


And if that’s the case, I have a special offer for you!  From now until the end of Hanukkah, if you order a copy of one of my books from Little Shop of Stories (may I suggest Any Which Wall, which centers on Susan and Roy LEVY…) I will personally drive over to the store, and sign the book with a special holiday message, and include a handmade Hanukkah card!

You can call the store, and order any of my books ((404) 373-6300 ) , and they’ll call me up and I’ll go over and sign.  Then they’ll pop it into the mail to you.

Easy as…. latkes?

From a mix!

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