A thought…

These NaPoWriMo poems are doggerel.  Which means I am blogging doggerel.  Which is…. BLOGGEREL?

In other news, my house is very clean. My yard looks great. But my hair needs a washin’ and my kids have been eating stamp-pads.   So there are little blue faces everywhere I look. 

You can’t win ‘em all.

In still other news, I began draft 3 of Any Which Wall in earnest yesterday. I love my editor!!!  I love you, Mallory. You are BRILLIANT!  Really and truly.  Don’t ever leave me.

And finally, I will be setting forth to trek northward in a week (with one surly cat and two cranky kids in my car.  We will be stopping a lot).  For Passover in Baltimore, with a brief visit to NY.  

I would love to see you!

(now… back to the bloggerel)


4 Responses to “A thought…”

  1. Erin Says:

    Is Any Which Wall another MG or picture book?

  2. laurel Says:

    It’s my next novel! (though I am always working on picture books too, most of them are just for fun. Nobody really wants to read “Two poops before noon” or “The boy who caught his death…”)



  3. Kerry Says:

    I love “bloggerel”– how fabulous. And there’s sure a lot of it out there…

  4. Talia Says:

    You’re taking your cat?

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