When I was a kid, an art project involved gloppy poster paint and a shoebox. No longer. Now kids make MOVIES. Some of the smart ones even make GOOD movies.

Here is a book trailer for Bigger than a Breadbox, made by an especially talented and inspiring twelve year old, after she read the book.  A girl named Lily.

I’m really quite stunned and honored. And I’m hoping she’ll hire me someday, when she’s a fancy moviemaker.  Check it out, and then please link it, forward it, pass it along, so that she can get many many hits, and be offered a job at Pixar, and hire me SOONER.


7 Responses to “WOW!”

  1. Kathy Says:

    WOW!! that was AWESOME!!

  2. Shelley Moore Thomas Says:

    Would it be okay it I posted this on my blog? I am just so impressed!


  3. Mom Says:

    That’s stunning, Laurel.
    is the only operative response.

  4. laurel Says:

    Of course, Shelley! Thanks so much!

  5. Amanda Hoving Says:

    That was fabulous! Go, Lily!

  6. Emma Says:

    That’s incredible!!

  7. Portia Pennington Says:

    Not only did I check it out (and was duly impressed)–I posted it on my Facebook wall. Wow. Wow. Double wow. As I said on FB, sure beats the heck out of any book report I ever did. Am ordering your book. Sounds well-done and I can’t wait to read it. Thanks for being brave and writing it.



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