Brand New Favorite!

My new favorite blog (and I don’t, as a rule, read mom-blogs) is Mimi Smartypants!

Moms who stop cussing and ranting when they have kids (as though when the midwife stitched up their tear, she also stitched up their mouth) scare me.

As do the kind of parents who carry Purell everywhere (just in case) and fear the world– not to mention all of the dirt, sugar, and noises in it.  One of these days I will revolt myself, and say to someone (in response to a 2 year old birthday evite), “Will there be cake there? Real cake? Because Mose is not allowed to eat things that look like cake but are made with prunes and spelt-flour instead of chocolate. He is allergic to healthy alternatives.”

(Thanks to Elizabeth for the link!  If I start a revolution in the name of chocolate cake, I bet she will be in the front lines with me!)

3 Responses to “Brand New Favorite!”

  1. pamelalibrarian Says:

    WoW! That mimi smartypants is hilarious! Thanks for the recommendation :)

  2. Jacqui Says:

    Ha! Thanks for the link.
    And if your revolution fights a valiant battle against hidden spelt, I am there

  3. polli Says:

    Oh damn! I’ve been reading Ms. Smartypants for years… I would have hooked you up had I known you were interested. Sorry!

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