Decatur Book Festival!!!

In case you don’t know (how could you NOT know?)  we now have a book festival in my burg!  A big ‘un!

And on August 31, at 2:30, just five short days after MY BOOK first appears on bookshelves near you, I’ll be participating in the festival myself, on a fantasy panel with the most delicate Adam Rex and the most delicious Brandon Sanderson.

This will not be my “book launch”, which will be happening on September 13, at 3 PM, at Little Shop of Stories, and will NOT have funnel cakes and 75,000 people (or that’s not the plan, anyway) but WILL have “unsuiitable” treats and crafts and tattoos for all.

But still, it will be THRILLING, and you should COME!

One Response to “Decatur Book Festival!!!”

  1. Kathy Says:

    I can’t WAIT for the Decatur book festival!! I have to get my plan now on what events I will try and make it to – I will pencil yours in! Hopefully I will have a minute to meet you after your event.

    Also, I hope I can make the Little Shop of Stories event (God, I love that place!!) but I will have to work around football schedules (those darn kids of mine!).

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