Go, Jaime!!!


The art from Slidy Diner was selected as one of the winners of the 3×3 Pro Show. There were 4000 entries to this thing (!!!), and though I know NOTHING about awards for art and illustration, that sounds pretty dang good to me! 4000!

Jaime Zollars (the artist,duh)  is really something special, so I’m not surprised. In fact, I plan to ride her coattails to GLORY!

But still, wow!

Now we can say Slidy has “prizewinning pictures”, right?

One Response to “Go, Jaime!!!”

  1. polli Says:

    I love love love the pictures in your book and I’m not surprised they are prize winners, either. I was thinking how awesome it was that you got paired with such a spectacular artist, someone that will really make your glorious words come to life. Jaime rocks!

    I will choose a book for beautiful art and THEN read the words… and you are going to be STAHS, baby!

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