My friend Marc is a total rockstar!  From Lunch Weekly:

Editor of The Chattahoochee Review Marc Fitten’s debut VALERIA’S LAST STAND, a modern-day fable featuring a terminally cranky old spinster who finds equal fault with the new, the old, the foreign and the familiar in her backwater Hungarian village, but suddenly falls in love with the long-known but little-noticed village potter, and with this one deviation from character, the delicately woven fabric of village life begins to unravel, to Colin Dickerman at Bloomsbury and Alexandra Pringle at Bloomsbury UK, in a pre-empt, for publication in Spring 2009, by Bill Clegg at the William Morris Agency (world English).

German rights to DTV, in a pre-empt.

I have been watching this saga unfold, and let me just say, to those of you who are writing and revising and dreaming and hoping to publish… it WILL happen. I don’t want to rob Marc of his own tale, but this was a weird loooooong road, involving multiple drafts, agents, countries, etc. etc. etc.

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