Agnes WRITES!!!

Which is to say, DECATUR WRITES!!!

When, recently, we (meaning writers who happen to live in Atlanta) found out about the demolition of the staff at the Margaret Mitchell House, we were horrified.

Atlanta is not known for being the most supportive or well-networked city in the world, for writers. But at least we had that. The loss felt strangely enormous.   Community writing and children’s progamming are important, for literacy and culture, for community building…

And how could anyone expect, that in such dire economic times, anyone would be able to step in and fill those shoes?

Well, leave it to Tom and Daren!

Starting next month, Atlanta’s writers will be coming to Decatur.  For AGNES WRITES!  Check it out!

Which only makes sense… since while Atlanta could stand to improive its support for the literary arts, Decatur keeps showing itself to be a prime example of how a small city can do just that.  Little Shop of Stories is there, of course.  And Wordsmith‘s.  Not to mention the Festival.

THANKS, Decatur!

(Now, if I only I could afford to live in you)

3 Responses to “Agnes WRITES!!!”

  1. Ali Says:

    Wow, my dear. That building looks so much like The Ridges (the former insane asylum in Athens) which, of course, being me, I adore and think is beautiful.

  2. Authors Community Says:

    Every time i come here I am not dissapointed, nice post

  3. HEEL LIFTS Says:

    Excellent work. You have gained a new reader. I hope you keep up the good work and I await more of the same interesting posts.

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