Thinking about Chicago…

In February.

Who’s going?

I have no reason to attend AWP this year, since they turned down my panel.  But I really need a poetry fix. I want to hear some poems, buy new books, see friends, talk about words in a different way.

Anyone need a warm body on a panel?  Or someone to sit at your book fair table while you pee?

2 Responses to “Thinking about Chicago…”

  1. Collin Says:

    I was going, but I bowed out months ago when the economy tanked. Was planning to sign books at the Finishing Line Press table, and I’m disappointed not to go, but just couldn’t afford it.

  2. Jenny Schwartzberg Says:

    Chicago. AWP? I just checked and I’d never heard of this association. I looked at the schedule of programs. While there’s not that much children’s lit stuff, there’s a lot of poetry. I’ll pass it on to my dad who is a poetry historian. If you do come, make time to come to the Newberry and I’ll give you a show and tell of children’s books. The exhibit will no longer be up though… I’d love to organize a Child_lit dinner or something!

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