What a week!!!

Honestly, I’m not even sure how to recap this week.

See, I had to fly to New York for a conference, but since SWAN  was pubbing on Tuesday, I decided to stay for a few extra days, to hang out with my best friend (since second grade, to whom the book is dedicated), and  celebrate/lunch with my truly fantastic agent (who also happens to be one of my best friends at this point too).  I’ve never been able to do anything like that before.

And oh, it was wonderful!

We popped by Books of Wonder, to see the book in the wild.  A total thrill!  I’ve never done an event there, and always wanted to visit.

After that, I signed copies…

Then we had a ridiculous lunch and sipped a little bubbly, because WHY NOT?  Ooh la la!

We scooted a few subway stops, to catch up with my friend Kate Milford, at McNally Jackson, where she works (though you may know her better  for her amazing award-winning books or her adorable son, Griffin).

I signed MORE copies, but mostly I played “Rabbits” with Griffin, because I HAVE MY PRIORITIES STRAIGHT!


But I also bought a stack of books, of COURSE, because it was THAT kind of store, and I couldn’t resist the graphic novels shelf.

After a bit, I noticed that  my feet hurt (I don’t often dress up in heels), so we headed home to eat pizza, read comics, and watch TV in pajama pants, AS ONE DOES ON PUB DAY.  Oh, the glamour!

Now I’m home again, in Atlanta, cuddling with my kids, but I have to say, this has been an amazing week. I’m so grateful to everyone who has made it possible. Everyone at Chronicle, most of all. They’ve been truly incredible in their support and creativity and excitement for this book.  But I’m also so grateful to all the friends, librarians, booksellers, teachers, neighbors, bloggers, everyone everyone everyone who has written to say MAZEL TOV.

THANK YOU TO YOU. Seriously.  Nothing has ever felt quite like this before.  It’s been pretty special.  Like having an extra birthday.
I’m a lucky girl.

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