Tears, actual tears…

In case you don’t think I’m cheesy enough already, here’s a picture of me opening the sketches for my next picture book, SWAN.

Seriously, I cried.  I had this weird little uncontrollable rainstorm.

It looks exactly as it did in my head, exactly. The little girl I once was and the little girl I still am and the Russian ballerina I always wanted to be… they got all tangled up and happy and started weeping.

Mose and Lew thought it was pretty interesting.

So, since I was sitting there in front of my computer at the time, I snapped a picture.

(I’m so shy, and reserved, and private, don’t you know?)

I just wish I could show you the sketches!  But someday, someday…

4 Responses to “Tears, actual tears…”

  1. Steph Says:

    Thank you so much for sharing. The realities of a writer . . . Love it!

  2. Mom Says:

    What a moment.
    Thanks for sharing, Laurel.

  3. julie Says:

    hi laurel!
    i’m so happy you like the first draft of sketches!!!!

  4. laurel Says:

    I can’t tell you how amazed I was! It really was a weird emotional trigger, opening up that file and seeing the inside of my own head. So strange. Thank you!

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