We’ve been busy, and dusty, and sleeping in the living room…


For the last 6 weeks or so, a very talented and patient man named Jim has been working around the piles of Transformers and Legos, to give the upstairs a makeover…  there’s still lots of little things that need doing. Cleaning and so on.  We could use a runner for the stairs…

But it’s amazing the difference!  We put a shed dormer on the back of the attic, so that we could raise the ceiling, and add actual full-size windows, bringing in LIGHT!  To say nothing of the lovely paint job and the big closet!

But the main reason we did all of this was the BAWTHROOM.  We now have an upstairs BAWTH, which means that the boys don’t have to come downstairs in the night (and end up sleeping on top of us).

It’s very simple  and small, but clean and shiny and tile all over.

And this is my favorite part!  Look, below, and gaze in awe. This is my LAUNDRY CHUTE.  It is small, so that the boys can’t fall through.  But it works!  Directly below the chute is a laundry basket, on the top shelf of the linen cabinet.

For joy!

Now, we just need to clean and organize, and buy some rugs and bookshelves.

Bookshelves, always bookshelves.

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