Bigger than a Breadbox treats…

I haven’t been doing a lot of publicity-posting.  There’s a point where an author just starts to feel too self-congratulatory, posting all these different reviews and things.  Like showing off each piece of candy as you eat it.

Especially when the world is full of actual NEWS.

But then, I do want to be sure to give credit and thanks to the wonderful people who support my books, and so many of them write absolutely fantastic blogs that YOU should be reading.  ALso, my mom likes to see this stuff (hi, Mom)

So here’s a roundup!

I’m honored to have been read and reviewed by Anita Silvey, at her Book-a-day Almanac.

Random Acts of Reading did this terrific summary of my fall-of-skype visits. And some of the skyping teachers have also blogged about the adventure!

I was so pleased to see this review pop up at Mrs. Katz’s Book Blurbs.

This great group-review from Scripps-Howard made the rounds a few weeks back. I loved that my book was included alongside Carmen Deedy’s new title, The Cheshire Cheese Cat.  Carmen is an Atlanta writer, and her daughter is a friend of mine.  Moments like this make me feel like I’m living in a really interesting community!

Travis Jonker and John Schumacher (two of my biggest library-heroes) did a joint “top-20 children’s books of 2011″ at their blogs, 100 Scope Notes and Watch. Connect. Read.  Bread Box was # 16!

I loved this review from Maine Library-blog, A View from the Library!

Debbie Duncan did a stellar roundup of fall titles for a group of papers in Northern California, and Bread Box was in it!

Jen and Kellee wrote this thoughtful review over at Teach Mentor Texts, and made my day! Their blog is a really wonderful resource, especially for teachers and book clubs!

This review at Kidliterate actually made me cry, and want to visit St Louis, so I could thank Melissa in person.

Bread Box was included in this great Bookrageous podcast! ALso at KUER’s holiday book show!

I’ve also been very lucky to be included in a lot of holiday newsletters, from some of the best bookstores in the country.  Most of these documents aren’t online, but whenever I pop into a store, and see my book in an actual brochure, that kids and parents take home with them, it makes me spin around and giggle.  Thank you to all the bookstores who still take the time (and expense) to include these personal touches!

Likewise, Bigger than a Bread Box is being read for a slew of mock Newbery clubs, like this one, and this makes me so happy and excited, especially since these are groups of KIDS, by and large.  I love when adults read my books too, of course, but I write for KIDS, and they matter much more to me.  I wish there had been clubs like this when I was a kid myself. I’d have been ALL OVER THAT.

Speaking of me being  a geek for books, I’ve been nominated for a NERDY.  If you read Bigger than a Bread Box, and liked it, you can vote for me!

Really, it’s been a very exciting fall!




3 Responses to “Bigger than a Breadbox treats…”

  1. Librarianinthemiddle Says:

    Here’s another one, just written by my daughter after she was reading this blog! She is doing a book report on Bigger than a Breadbox and was planning to write a review for my blog, and you inspired her!

  2. Kaethe Says:

    Yay, you. Wow, I’ve been away from Atlanta for a long time…I remember when Carmen’s daughters were little girls, younger than my own daughters are now. Thanks for the warm fuzzy nostalgia moment.

  3. Lexie Says:

    I am doing a book report on your amazing book you will be getting a letter from me as the project i loved the book Bigger than a breadbox you are so amazing and a great person to look up to.

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